Support ⋟ Keep your Home Phone Number with magicJack™!

Calls to your Home Number can ring on your magicJack™!

magicJack™ is great -- it let's you make all the free calls you want for a flat yearly rate. The only trouble is that you can't yet port your number to magicJack™.

Here's where Tossable Digits comes in!

Simply port, or transfer, your Home, Mobile, Work or ANY phone number to Tossable Digits and we'll forward any incoming calls to your magicJack™-provided phone number!

Can I change the number it forwards to if magicJack™ isn't working?

Sure! You can forward your number to anywhere, at any time, and change the number we forward calls to as many times as you like, FREE!

When magicJack™ supports the transfer or "port" of local phone numbers to their service, can I do that?

Absolutely! We realize that the goal here is to save money, and you're already paying magicJack™ for cheap calls! But since they don't do it yet, we're offering our service in the meantime. You can also port your number from our service to any other service, so if you part ways with magicJack™, just change your forwarding number with Tossable Digits and you're good to go! There is no fee to transfer your number from Tossable Digits to another service.

How much will this all cost me?

Number Porting is FREE! Just select a plan that works for your incoming call volume.

I really like your service -- can I keep my ported Home number and add other numbers too?

Absolutely! Add as many numbers as you like. Each number has its own unique configuration and separate Voicemail. You can use one for work, one for home, and an 800 number for the kids!